Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Maths Wednesday 1st April

7, 15,15,4     13,15,18,14,9,14,7
Can you work out my coded message?
If so tell,me what letter 18 represent when you send in your work.🔍
Today I would like you to solve some fraction word problems.
To solve them you need to use your understanding of wholes and fractions. Drawing a picture will help too.

This picture represents 3 whole metres of ribbon.

Two friends want to share 3 apples so that they each get the same amount. How much would each friend get?
( Think about how 2 friends would share 1 apple to begin with)

8 people are sharing 4 pizzas. How much will each person get? 
Using your understanding of equivalent fractions, can you give your answer in 3 different ways.

I have 3 metres of ribbon. I want to give the same amount to 6 children. What fraction of a metre will each child get?
First think about what each child would get if you had 1 metre.

PSHCE Wednesday 1st April

Hello everyone.
Today I would like you to watch the video and then write a reflection about what you have seen.

Here a a few sentence starters to help.
This video made me..
When I saw... I felt.....
I liked the part...
I didn't like the part.....
I think the message is....
This story reminds me of.....

English Wednesday 1st April

Good morning everyone.🙋
Today I would like you to write a description of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

In the book Michael Morpurgo begins-

None of us could take our eyes of him.

and finishes his description with the sentence-

All I knew was that whatever he was, he was wonderfully weird.

I would like you to write the missing description of the Pied Piper that fits between these two sentences. You might want to write the start and finish sentences too so your description 'sounds good'.

Below are some adjectives that might help you - but remember a good description also needs prepositions, verbs, determiners and nouns- the best you can get!

I am going to give 5 extra merit points if your description appears on

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls 

and 2 extra merit points if you effectively use any of my suggested words below.

Remember to keep reading .
Log onto your read theory account and complete a reading comprehension when you have finished your writing.

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚

Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements!
👀Look at this fantastic art work!

ART in natur

Some stunning examples!

🌈Matisse inspired artwork.

Amazing animals!

Super self-portrait!  Who might it be?

👍Who has taken the Curriculum Challenge?

👍Who has helped a sibling complete theirs ?

✅More Marvellous Maths

🏆Beautiful neat handwriting.

💐Pleasing poetry.

💻Who is still keeping up with the online activities?

💭Thoughtful reflections.

⚠Creative constructions.

🌞Sunny sentences.

🎨Beautiful art work!

🌟Detailed descriptions.

✅Fantastic fraction problem solving
(and a super reflection too!)

✨Which super hero is reading regularly?

             🔆   Great independent research to learn the meaning of new words

🌟Imaginative sentences

🌞Marvellous maths
🌠Cleverly keeping up with the online activities.

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...