Thursday, June 18, 2020

History Thursday 18th June

History of Early Cinema

Leisure and Entertainment of 100 years ago

When we refer to The 20th Century, this means the years from 1900 all the way to 1999.   So from 2000, up to and beyond the year 2020, we are now in the 21st century.

Here is some information about the life of Charlie Chaplin:


Here is one of many Charlie Chaplin films to choose from.  You may enjoy finding some more of your own.

This one is called ‘The Lion’s Cage’:

I hope you have enjoyed learning about Charlie Chaplin.  In our focus on life and entertainment of 100 years ago, he is an important figure.  Why do you think that is?

Once you have read about Charlie Chaplin, try and place some of the most important events into chronological order on a timeline.

Use landscape view on a separate page to fit the events in:

Born 1889                                                             Died 1977

Now, please reflect on all that you have read about this individual and try to answer this question in a short paragraph:

Why was Charlie Chaplin so important to the history of this period in time?

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...