Monday, June 15, 2020

Maths Monday 15th June


Good morning Willow Class🌅

Today's Curriculum Challenge is......
Can you create motion in a flip book?
for those ready to take the challenge but make sure you complete the tasks below first.

Today I would like you to complete some work on division.
Watch the clip below to get you started.

Now use the same methods to complete the calculations you can not do using times table knowledge.
Remember in maths we always use the most efficient method that means the one that will get us the correct answer in the quickest way!

Can you use your understanding of division to solve the question below?
You will need to work out each division first.

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...