Thursday, June 25, 2020

History Thursday 25th June

Please do your Maths and English first.  They are on Google Classroom, so please go on that now.
Our History is on Google Classroom as well.  Access it and send it in with Google Classroom. 

See you there!

Leisure and Entertainment 100 years ago

Early Cinema 1920s and 1930s  

How are the early films of the 1920s different from today?

Have a look at this 2 minute clip of different comedy scenes – from the 1920s!  No talkies here!  No sound at all then, though when people saw it at the cinema, there would likely have been a pianist playing live.  You might want to watch it all the way through at first, then again and pause it to answer these questions for each of the five clips:

1)      Is that a tornado?  How have the film makers created the scene?  Describe all you see, including the end:

2)     Look closely at the man on the bicycle!  What is his invention?  What does it do?

3)     What have all those people come for?  What happens here?

4)     What has happened to the man on the ground?  What do the people discover?

5)     Oh no!  Who’s driving the car?  What is the problem here?


You will remember Charlie Chaplin in The Lion Cage.  What was it like in this Factory scene from 1936? 

  Factory Work with Charlie Chaplin 1936

Describe what happens in the scene.  There is no talking, yet we know exactly what is going on.  What trouble does he cause?  What parts made you laugh?  

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...