Wednesday, March 18, 2020

English and Maths 1 Monday

Read the information report below and answer the questions in your book.


1.Why is it a good thing that birds help scatter seeds?
2.What would happen if birds did not eat insects?
3.Name one bird that eats dead animals.
4.What is a starling's favourite food? (see added extra information)
5.Give one reason why there are fewer house sparrows around.
6.What do the RSPB do?
7.Why are fieldfares having to leave the countryside? (Look by the added blue line)
8.Why are there more long-tailed tits and goldcrest birds around?( see text box before Migration sub- heading)
9.How far can migrating birds fly on one day?
10. Which word has been used that means robins can get angry with other birds?( see 2nd bullet point under Robins)
11. Write 2 facts about magpies.

Copy the counting in 1/5s number line into your book and complete.


 0 1/5  2/5      1  1 1/5      2      22/5                 4

Remember the rule-  multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number to make equivalent fractions.

Visit to investigate equivalent fractions.

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...