Thursday, April 30, 2020

Maths Thursday 30th April

Good morning
Today I would like you to use your understanding of place value to order decimals. The grid below should help you and remember you can visits the white rose home learning for extra help.

To order decimals we look in the column with the highest value first and look for the digit with the highest value (the biggest number to smallest- descending order)
lowest value (the smallest number to the biggest- ascending order)
It is a good idea to write all of the numbers down in a place value grid to help you do this effectively.
Ones . tenths   hundredths
   3    .     2          6
   1    .     7          9    
   6    .     5          1   etc


Reading Thursday30th April

Reading Activity
Read and enjoy the poem below then answer the questions.

roundhouse -a blow given with a wide sweep 

My puppy punched me in the eye.
My rabbit whacked my ear.
My ferret gave a frightful cry
and roundhouse kicked my rear.

My lizard flipped me upside down.
My kitten kicked my head.
My hamster slammed me to the ground
and left me nearly dead.

So my advice? Avoid regrets;
no matter what you do,
don't ever let your family pets
take lessons in kung fu.
--Kenn Nesbitt

1          How many verses does the poem have?
1     How many lines are there in each verse?
1     Are there any patterns?
1    Can you spot any alliteration?
1    Is there any repetition?
1    Is there rhyme?

1    Is the poem about science, friends, food or pets?
     What does ‘left me nearly dead’ mean?
     How many pets does this person have?


English Thursday 30th April

Simple Verb Tenses

Let’s have a bit of practice with simple verb tenses. Sometimes we can miss errors when reading through our work and forget to be consistent. (This means to continue in the same tense in which we started.) 

In which tenses are these two sentences written? Look at the verbs to find out:

Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment.
Alice is not a bit hurt, and she jumps up on to her feet in a moment.

Have a read of this text called A Walk in the Park. It certainly reminds me of taking my own dog for a walk and encountering similar situations. I also like the name of one of the dogs, hope you will too!

First, find all of the verbs throughout the text – check carefully -every sentence will have one! You could write them down in order so you don’t miss any for what to do next:

For your writing task, can you write the text in full, changing the verbs into past tense so it still makes sense?

History Thursday 30th April

History What would your favourite football team have 

looked like 100 years ago?

This picture was taken earlier than 1920.  Photos were not taken in colour until many years later!

This website has quite a lot of information about the history of the kits from 1857 all the way up to modern times:

 What would footballers have worn back then?   How much would it have cost to watch them play?

Have a look at old football programmes to find out more about life from the adverts!    Here's an example:

You will see lots of examples of old football programmes and the different adverts from the early 1900s on:

You'll notice a big difference between then and now with the adverts – remember, no internet, television or colour photos back then!

I’m really looking forward to what you find out!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Maths Wednesday 29th April

Now you are becoming more confident with decimals, I would like you to answer the questions below.
Remember drawing a problem/question or using a place value grid is a good way to help you see what you have to do or explore an idea.

English Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Good Morning🌄
Today I would like you to read the poem Foreign Lands.

foreign -of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own.

Can you spot the rhyming pattern and the rhyming words?
Copy out the poem in your best handwriting and add the missing words (.......) to complete the poem.
You might like to decorate the poem with some images from the different verses.
Write your own poem about what you can see from your bedroom window.
You could start....

Out of my window, I looked one sunny day
to see what lay so far away.
I shielded my eyes with  my hand
and looked upon a strange and empty land.

I think this poem is about.....
I think the lands are foreign because..
I like/do not like the poem because....

Monday, April 27, 2020

English Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Willow Class.
Today, I would like you to continue reading  the story of the Pied Piper. I wonder if you notice anything different about this version?

Below are a few words that you may need to know the meaning of.

flocking- gathering

ermine- small animal with white fur

dolt- a fool or stupid person

rouse-bring out of , sleep awaken

racking- to cause physical or mental pain

fate- be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way.

lacking- not available or in short supply.

consternation-feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.

What is vermin?

Once you have read the text  complete a role on the wall for the mayor.
Remember to do this you need to put ideas about the mayor around the outline of the person.
Try to include the evidence from the text that makes you have these opinions.
Eg The people think the mayor is foolish because they call him a noddy and a dolt.

What is the difference between this version and the version we read in class?
Which do you prefer?

Maths Tuesday 28th April

Hello there.
I would like you to apply your understanding of decimals to complete today's maths activity.

You can visit and look at the videos below for extra help.

What is the value of the underlined digits?
Writing/drawing the numbers in a place value grid will help.
You might want to give your answer as ... wholes, 1/10  or 1/00 etc

Now compare the decimals.
Remember to do this we look in the column with the highest value first to find the bigger number. If they are the same, look at the value of the digits in the next column along.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Science Monday 27th April

Hello everyone.
Today we are going to look a little more closely at electricity and electrical circuits.
First watch the clips below.

Watch the clip below.

Now label the parts of  the circuit.

English Monday 27th April

English Activity
Good Morning Everyone🌞
Today I would like you to read the following biography and then answer the questions below.

Can you spot the link to our science topic?

Maths Monday 27th April.

Good morning Willow Class
Today I would like us to continue with our work on decimals.

On the third question, (the third blue square) notice the number line goes between
2/10 or 20/100   and 3/10 or 30/100
if you see
20/100......30/100 and look at the picture you will be able to work out the missing fractions.

On the final question above remember you need to imagine moving the blue bar to the 0 position before you measure it.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Art Friday 24th April

Earth Day 2020                

What is Earth Day?  It happened this very week!

Have you heard of Earth Day?
Earth Day, which was established in 1970, is celebrated on 22nd April each year. It is a day to think about our planet and what we can do to keep it special; to think about saving water and energy, reducing pollution, recycling, protecting our animals, trees and plants, and generally getting kids interested in protecting their environment.
"Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.
Kenyan proverb

For our Art this week, I’d like you to draw a poster to demonstrate Earth Day, though the important message it sends is for every single day of the year!  
Here are some examples:

French Friday 24th April (with a bit of maths)

Bonjour! Bonjour!

Bienvenue to French Friday!

Remember, small steps are easiest to move on.  We’ll continue with our revision and of course, add to what we already know. It might look like a lot here but you might want to keep the numbers page along with the days and months for future reference.

Maths today: 
Let’s practice some numbers (numéros) in French by working out some additions:

Now, you already know the days of the week (les jours de la semaine) very well and you will probably remember most of the months of the year (les mois de l’année).  
Pronounce mois as mwa.  Have a practice out loud, don’t be shy!

Have a go with practising some of the numbers and days of the week with this crossword.

Vertical means up and down: |
Horizontal means like the horizon, or in this case, left to right _________.

English Friday 24th April

What’s your favourite place?

Do you have a favourite place?  It might be somewhere you’ve often been to, or it might be somewhere in your own home!  If you have a few favourite places in mind, choose just one!
Write down exactly where it is.

Close your eyes, imagine your favourite place and now try and relate the 5 senses to it - in any order!

Now note these down. (You don’t need to write in full sentences just yet.)

Sight …

Who do you associate (connect) with your favourite place, if anyone?

What objects do you associate with it, if any?

Write down some adjectives to describe how you feel when you are there.
And when you are not there:

Now write your description using the framework below:

Title: My Favourite Place
Paragraph 1: Introduction/details of the location  
Paragraph 2: detailed physical description of the whole place  
Paragraph 3: information about when you first went there/how often you go
Paragraph 4: your personal feelings about the place, and the reasons for that  
Paragraph 5: Conclusion, summing up the place and your feelings

Finish with a drawing of one of the objects that could represent your favourite place.

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...