Friday, May 22, 2020

French Friday 22nd May


Bienvenue vendredi! 

Can you remember the colours in French?  
Say them out loud:

For a reminder on pronunciation, listen to this helpful clip.  
Repeat when prompted, don't be shy!

You will have seen many of these lately, in windows and on doors, as they have become a special symbol of thank you and hope.  
You might already have made one for your home.  In French, the word for 'rainbow' is 'arc en ciel'.  'Ciel' means 'sky'.

Here is one to practice with, be sure to remember the names of the colours!  You will need them for other activities!

This week, we are also going to start learning how to say the parts of the body in French.

Here is a short video so you can hear how each sounds:

Now have a go using the labels below on your own diagram.  Could be of you, or nothing like you!           

Below is just an example, so you can either draw yourself, or any other creature, like Sully!  Don't forget to draw another picture of the head for the facial features. 😄

Maths Friday 22nd May

Measuring Time

Before working out the table below, write or check that you know the answers to these: 

How many seconds in a minute?  
In a minute and a half?  
In two minutes? 

Some quick revision first:
How many days are there in a week?  How many days are there in each month?  How many weeks in a year?  
How many days are there in 2 weeks?  3 weeks?

What calculation do we need  to do to convert days to weeks or weeks to days?

What information must you have in order to work out the following problem?  (Hint: always read a question in full:)

Art Friday 22nd May

Self Portraits - draw yourself!
Drawing portraits is much easier than you might think.  To make a portrait look real, you have to put every part of your face in the right place.  

Sit in front of a mirror.  See how the corners of your nose line up with the inside corners of your eyes, and the corners of the mouth are below the centres of the eyes?

The eyes are in the middle, half way between the top of the head and the chin.  (Note: the top of the head, not your hairline!)
The tops of the ears line up with the eyes.
The nose is a third to half way between the eyes and chin.

The following video will show you what we would do in class -  step by step, so you are following simple directions along with the video.  One thing, here it is suggested that after you draw your oval, you lightly fold the paper to give you some guidelines.  You can do this, or lightly sketch the guidelines in.  These you can remove afterwards.

What am I going to remind you to do?  Press lightly!  Add your details with shading (gradually) once you have everything in the right place.

When you finish off the details in your portrait, including your neck and shoulders, remember to include any unique features you may have!  You might wear glasses, earrings, a favourite top!

I am really looking forward to seeing your self portraits, keep them safe!
Happy drawing!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Maths Thursday 21st May

Good morning everybody🌞

Today's Curriculum Challenge is......
Can you make your own melting ice cap?
for those ready to take the challenge but make sure you complete the tasks below first.

Hint: A multiple of ten is an answer to the 10 x table
        10, 20,,...90,...110, 120... etc
         Silver coins   5p    10p   20p    50p

I compared the amounts by...
I didn't need to.... because.....

English Thursday 21st May

What did you say?   ðŸ˜ƒ 👦

At the end of last term, you will remember we did some work on using different reporting clauses, which accompany the speech, giving a little bit of information about who is speaking and how it was said.

       "I don't know what to do," said Sayeed nervously.

It's important to remember all the punctuation we need to include when using speech in our writing, along with where the inverted commas go.  Some are very basic skills, yet they are too often still forgotten!  

Can you think of all the punctuation we need when writing speech?

Have a look at this first clip and check against your memory.  Be honest, had you missed any?

So it's not just about putting the inverted commas in the right place!

Write the following sentences in full, adding the missing inverted commas only around what is being spoken:

Do you think you've got this sussed?  I'm sure you are very close!  Just remember, the reason we practise speech is because we'll need it when we include dialogue in our writing, which always makes it far more interesting!  So, what do we need to remember?  Check with this clip, noting the labels carefully:

Now let's build some sentences to really nail that speech punctuation, once and for all!  Do be sure to Mix and Match, don't just write from across the grid, as most would not make sense that way.

Reading Thursday 21st May

Good morning everyone.🌿
Today I would like you to read and complete the poem below.
It seems a long time since we were dismissing you from class but it will get back to normal one day😊

Before you begin:
ferry- like a small ship
brook- a small stream
idle- not doing very much/lazy
stretcher- a device to carry an injured person, like a mattress with handles
steed- a horse

Here's some verbs that you might be able to use to complete the second part of the activity today.

History Thursday 21st May

What was it like to be a child in the 1920s and 1930s?  

What was it like to go to school and what games did children play after the War ended in 1918?  

The way people lived changed dramatically in the 1920s and 1930s.  While the Roaring Twenties brought great changes in music, entertainment, fashion, there was very little money after the huge costs of the War.  The end of the 1920s saw the beginning of the Great Depression. Many people struggled with lack of employment, and many families suffered a great deal.

Read the following paragraphs taken from an article written from Historic UK, which really paints a clear picture for us to imagine what life was like for children 100 years ago.

A few weeks ago we found out a bit about  what children played back then.  What do you recognise is still played today, in any similar way?

Did you notice what the children were playing in the first picture? 

What do you notice about this picture below?  (Not just that it is in black and white - all were then!  What else?)

Note: compulsory means 'required by law'.

1)  a)  From between what ages did children have to go to school?  

     b)  Do you know how it is different to today?

2)  For schools which could not offer school dinners, what would the children bring in to school during the winter months?

3)  What does the term 'chalk and talk' mean?

4)  What were 'the three Rs?'  (Nowadays we tend to say the three Rs are for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, but not back then!)

5)  What items did children use, for example in the countryside, if they didn't have pencils and paper?

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Maths Wednesday 20th May

Good morning Willow Class🌅
Today's Curriculum Challenge is......
for those ready to take the challenge but make sure you complete the tasks below first.

Today I would like you to begin to apply your skills with dividing by 100 and 10 to some questions on money and converting money.

Before we begin:
100p ÷ 100 = £1         10p ÷ 100 = £0.10
100p = £1                   10p is 1/10 of a whole pound

1p ÷ 100 = £0.01
1p is 1/100 of one whole pound

Reading Wednesday 20th May

Today, I would like you to read and enjoy the poem and then complete the reflection.

Being Brave at Night!

I like this poem because.....
This poem reminds me of a time when.....
If I have a bad dream, I.....
Of all the things mentioned in this poem, I think I would be most scared/not scared at all of...…..
I can tell this poem was written a long time ago because.....
This poem is funny because...

English Wednesday 20th May

Today I would like you to do some work on opposites.
 antonyms- words with opposite meanings.
 synonyms -words with similar meanings

Can  you change the underlined words in this passage to a word with the opposite meaning to create a different effect?

      One sunny morning an old man decided to take a stroll in the park.The man walked slowly on the short green grass.As he walked, he noticed a young woman with her three little children. She was carrying one small child in her arms. The child was wearing a pretty blue dress and little white hat.The child had a tiny button nose and was very cute.  The kind man smiled at the children and made them laugh. The old man gave the children some shiny gold coins to buy an ice cream. The ice cream was smooth and white and tasted delicious. They children were very happy. The park was a fun place with children playing on the swings and adults watching and laughing

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Maths Tuesday 19th May

Good morning everyoneâ›…
The Curriculum Challenge for today is...…. 
Can you make a map?
Make a map for your local area or an imaginary town using the symbols.
for extra information when you are ready to take on the challenge, but make sure you complete the tasks below first.

Today I would like you to continue with your work on fractions and decimals.
Before you begin:
Check how many sections/equal parts the line has been split into.
Use the chart above to help you identify both the fraction and the decimal.
Use your knowledge of equivalent fractions.
To make equivalent fraction multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same number.
Go back to the relevant blog page for extra help.
Look for patterns
eg if you 1/10 is 0.1 then 3/10 is 0.3

To complete this challenge think of 0.45 as 45/100
Think of different ways to make 45 then use these ideas to make 0.45
Remember 0.1 is 1/10 or 10/100

eg. 0.45 = 45/100 = 40/100 +5/100 = 0.40 + 0.05

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...