Monday, May 4, 2020

Science Monday 4th May

Today I would like you to look at electrical appliances.
Complete the activity below.

Remember to say why you ranked them in the order you did.

I put... at the top because I think....   and without ....... it would.......
I chose .... next because...
I put .... at the bottom of the list because....

Below are some past and present household objects.
Sort them into electrical and non electrical items. It might be easier to draw and label them if you can not print off and cut out!

Finally use your knowledge from last week to label and draw the electrical circuits.
You could go back to the blog page if you need a reminder.

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...