Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday 4th May Maths

Good Morning
May the fourth be with you!
The Curriculum Challenge for today is...…. 
Can you make a newspaper tower?
for those ready to take on the challenge, but make sure you complete the tasks below first.

Today I would like you to continue to look at decimal number lines
Below is some information to help you.

1 metre= 1m=100cm     1/10m= 0.1m= 10cm      
because 100cm  ÷ 10= 10 cm

1 metre= 1m=100cm        1/100m= 0.01m= 1cm      
because 100cm  ÷ 100= 1 cm

1 cm = 10 mm     1/10cm= 0.1cm= 1 mm                
because 10 ÷ 10= 1 mm

1/2 cm                  5/10 cm= 0.5cm = 5mm                
because 1/2=5/10 ( they are equivalent)

Visit for some extra help.
Complete the following questions.
Hint: add extra numbers to your number line to help you
for example in question b ( at the bottom of the blog) the number that would be in the middle
(halfway point).


Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...