Thursday, June 11, 2020

Art Friday 12th June

Hello everyone!

Now that you have received your passwords to our Google Classroom, you might already have had a look there.  If so you will see I have already put this Art activity with the video link onto Google Classroom.  Have a look to be sure you can access it from there.  You will be able to send me an image of your drawings there.

This is what you will see, but just in case anyone has any trouble I have it put it here too.


Do you remember our work inspired by some of David Hockney’s landscape paintings?  We used different lines with the pastels to show some of the texture of the hills and trees, both in the foreground and what we wanted to show was far away.  

Today we are going to practice this using just our pencil, and by holding it in different ways.  Remember it needs to be sharpened, though you won’t always be using the point!

We are going to use a tutorial from the link below:  

(If you can’t hear it very well, click on CC at the bottom to see the text on the screen.)

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...