Tuesday, May 12, 2020

English Tuesday 12th May

Poets often use similes when writing poems.
Similes can also be used when writing a description.
Similes -a way of comparing one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more vivid- producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.

   Complete the similes as effectively as you can.

Try to imagine the object in your mind or even Google images to help you make your description effective.

The moon glowed like a single headlight on a dark lonely road.
The moon glowed like a torch peering out from behind a curtain.

Raindrops dripped down the window pane like tears rolling down a baby's cheek.


The moon glowed like . . . . . .

Raindrops dripped down the window pane like . . . . . . 

The rose petals are as delicate as . . . . . .

The surface of the water is as smooth as . . . . . .

Dewdrops glistened on the flowers like . . . . . .

The fog covered the city like . . . . . .

The clouds are as fluffy as . . . . . .

The traffic moved as slowly as . . . . . .

The crows cackled like . . . . . .

The road wound its way up the mountain like . . . . . .

Clumps of snow stuck to the branches like . . . . . .

Her angry words spewed out like . . . . . .

The rain tapped on the roof as steadily as . . . . . .

The wind rushed through the house like  . . . . . .

Wildflowers dotted the landscape like . . . . . .

His stomach rumbled like . . . . . .

The soft breeze on her face was as gentle as . . . . . .

Willow's Wonderful Wagolls

💚Willows Wonderful Wagolls💚 Let's celebrate your wonderful achievements! 👀 Look at this fantastic art work! ...